Adam & Jagger


2nd: Both boys are growing up so quickly! They are very energetic and loving, and love to play around with each other most of the day. They now have their 2 bottles and 2 bowls of meat each day, as well as a baby rib each evening for them to chew on all night, which they took to straight away. We have stopped weighing them as they have become impossible and refuse to stand still long enough to record how heavy they are. Cubs will be 12 weeks old on Tuesday.


Jagger (red) and Adam (blue) at +-4 wks

25TH: Both babies are doing great, and are enjoying their walks each day. However, they are very easily distracted and like to wander off and go on mini adventures. Today they were weighed, and Adam now weighs 11.8 Kilos (26 pounds) and Jagger is 11.2 Kilos (25 pounds).  We have also increased the amount of meat they are getting for their 11:00am and 2:00pm feeds. Jagger is getting much better and not so possessive over his bottle/bowl, and both are doing really well with handlings.   Cubs will be 11 weeks old on Tuesday.

18TH: We are proud to announce that the babies are getting walked now around the parking lot. This started Friday October 15, 2010. They have both been excellent walkers although they wandered off a few times to get a better look at the restaurant.

11TH: Babies, are doing extremely well and are gaining weight quickly. Adam is 9.89 Kilos (21.78 lbs) while Jagger is 9.3 kilos (20.46 lbs). Both are playing a lot more and we have upped their meat feedings once more to 2 and a half cups of meat. They are still hungry and wanting more.


14TH: Babies Jagger and Adam are 5 weeks old already. Adam weighs 6.095 kg while Jagger is 5.52 kg. We’ve started to feed them a porridge mixture with the cub milk and introduced the boys to meat. Jagger loved the meat and wanted more while Adam ate well also.

6TH: Adam (Blue) weighs 5.177kg and Jagger (Red) weighs 4.655. They were dewormed last week at the age of 22 days. They are +-4 weeks. Yesterday we changed their formula from kitty milk to Seaview cub milk and they seem to like it. They are down to 5 feeds a day, three hours apart: average of 200ml per feed. Adam is definitely the calm baby and Jagger the more fesity one. They’re not as developed as other babies but maybe that’s because they are boys! They started teething about 5 days ago and don’t like to be helped to pee/poo (independent babies!).

AUGUST 2010: We’ve got two new little lions, both boys! Adam (Lambert) and Jagger (Mick) were born on the 10th of the month. They are from another Park and will introduce a new blood line to Seaview.

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