
Leopards: Louis & Ella (check out the latest photos in the Gallery)



2ND: Louis and Ella are still getting fed every 2nd day with either chicken or ribs. When we feed them chicken, Louis does not even bother to come get it as Ella always beats him to it and hisses at him if he even looks her way. They always come up to the fence to say hello, and are still very nice when we go in to clean their water trough and take the poo out. Today there was an adult giraffe eating right next to their enclosure and Ella kept pacing the fence, trying to stalk the giraffe. Louis is losing his excess baggage weight and he is now about the size of a Labrador but with a massive neck and head.  Very impressive.


25TH: Both leopards are looking beautiful (as always), and the diet plan appears to be working. Yesterday we fed them chicken and Ella didn’t let Louis have any at first, she looked (and sounded) like she wanted to eat all of it! Perhaps Louis had taken her rib from the previous feed and she wasn’t letting him near her dinner again. Both are very nice when we go in to say hello and clean their enclosure out, and Ella still squeaks away which is really cute.

18TH: Even though they have been on a diet plan for about 4 weeks now and we have seen no change in fat Lewie’s appearance. Ella is looking ravishing as ever and is picking up weight which is a good thing.She still squeaks while we feed and loves to come up to the fence for attention. Today they even allowed two new volunteers to come in with Delano, Tamz, and myself to clean the water trough.

11TH: Both Louis and Ella are eating well. We have been feeding them a few days in a row then having a day off, and also giving them slightly smaller portions of food. Both are getting much bigger and are being super sweet to us.

1 SEPTEMBER: Leopards are getting so much bigger. They still get chicken one day, meat the next – and every other morning chicken giblets. Their enclosure is being raked and cleaned twice a week, which is basically “play time” for them when they try to get a hold of the rakes and brushes! They are still good babies though, but much more playful. Ella has become so friendly. Louis is the naughty one! They’ll be a year old in September. We would have had them for just under 8 months. They are not as shy any more and spend most of their days outside playing around and enjoying the sun. They are both very friendly from the outside of the enclosure, and when you go in- depending on their mood. :-)


Louis and Ella have grown such a lot since we got them are looking really impressive now they are also not as shy as what they were and showing themselves much more to the public now. Louis has really become a very big boy. We still go in with them but we do have to watch our backs as they are very playfull but still nice.

JANUARY: The newest addition to the park are two 18-week-old leopard cubs. One male and one female, the male is a couple of days older than the female. We’ve called them Louis and Ella.

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